Saturday 13 August 2011

What a broker should NOT provide an agent.

What a broker should NOT provide an agent.

Sometimes the best answer when someone asks you for something is No.” or even “Heck no, and here’s why…” or even “H…well you get the idea. One of my latest posts talked about the things that a brokerage SHOULD provide to agents and a person representing a franchisor called me this week to discuss it. To protect his identity, we will call him “John”.

First off, I am always happy to talk with people who call me up… regardless of whether they will turn into business or not. It is always good to make friends when I have a few minutes.  (that is a rarity lately.) But John goes into an explanation of his franchise and extolling its virtues, which are many. He says “I don’t just have 7  things that we provide brokerages to provide their agents…we provide all of those PLUS we have x number more than that.”

Interesting, I thought. We went on talking.

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